
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Exciting news

All you wonderful people who have waited with baited breathes for the next blog update, it's finally here :D And it's a bombshell!

It's been a rough couple of weeks (morning sickness = all-day sickness) but seeing the images on the ultrasound yesterday made up for all of that. It's amazing to see this little thing, 3.2 cm in length, with a heartbeat of 150bpm, waving these little arm and leg things. The next time we go, the Dr said we must bring a video tape and he'll to a recording for us (hopefully I'll be able to digitize it to share with all of you).

We look forward to keeping you all updated with news of our latest addition to the family.

And for those of you that were wondering, yes, this is the reason Heather didn't go to Namibia :P

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  • At 3:21 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I know that I have commented in your facebook (about 10 times) but I just wanted to say it here too, CONGRATS! May the Lord look after all three of you! ;)

    Love Neil and Tash xxx

  • At 2:34 pm, Blogger The Doylies said…

    Congrats guys!.Wow,big news...talk to you soon.Love,The Doylies.

  • At 3:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We're so excited guys, and wait with baited breath to meet your little blessing.
    Were keeping you close in prayer, love always,
    Lindy, and the Greaves fam


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